How can there be too many children? That's like saying there are too many flowers. -- Blessed Mother Teresa

Lo, I am Thy servant, ready to obey Thee in all things; for I do not desire to live for myself, but for Thee; O that I could do so after a faithful and perfect manner!
St. Therese, the Little Flower

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter is Here! (Thoughts on fasting and feasting)

I love the way Catholics do celebrations.  I loved Easter my whole life, but after celebrating it as a Catholic the last 16 years, it means much more now.  There's nothing like going through 40 days of self-denial and (mini) suffering, to bring the meaning of new life in Christ to a whole new level.  As an Evangelical, I loved and looked forward to the one day of Easter, don't get me wrong.   But, there was no real preparation, or spiritual anticipation.  There was picking out a new dress, and that's it.  And, once the day was over, the decorations came down, and that was it.  Catholics have been accused of down-playing the resurrection of Christ and emphasizing (too much in some's opinion) his passion and death.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Catholics have 40 days of penance and fasting and lent, yes.  But, Catholics follow that with 50 days of Easter, complete with Alleluias, and feasting, and celebrating.  And, after meditating on his passion and death, those 50 days of Easter are richer, more meaningful, and closer to my heart.

Catholics have other times and occasions of fasting and feasting.  The liturgical year is so interesting.  Advent is a time of preparation for Christmas -- which is also not just one day, but 12 full days.  When the rest of the world is taking down their trees, Catholics still have 11 days to go.

Practicing NFP (Natural Family Planning) is the same way.  The married couple has days of self-imposed abstinence, when trying to avoid pregnancy, followed by days of intimacy.  The days of abstinence make the days of intimacy that much sweeter.

It's all leading up to heaven.  Living on earth is painful, much of the time.  Life isn't fair.  There is suffering and death and sorrow.  But, it's all preparation for the eternal, never ending feast that is heaven.  If we can make it through this valley of tears with our faith and souls in tact, then we are rewarded with the greatest celebration that God can dream up for us.

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